orgami's Diaryland Diary


piss and vinegar

nose ring
this thing is not like the earring
i can see it in my periphery vision
and i can feel it (maybe just because its new though) anyway lots of people like it
but I never would have ever wore the clothes or jewelry i wear today if it were not for my Bunni My Lori advising me on what would look good on me
I was so uptight about wearring any of this thinking people would judge me
but most of my crappy clothes are gone
now and they were crappy because I drank
to kill myself then and drugged and didnt give a fuck about anything and especially what I looked like or what people thought of me
now I am getting into what I look like
Lori has lots of clothes and they are all creative and I end up ironing her outfits for her when we get ready to go out I like ironing because I like clothes where did they adapt this look from what types of clothes are these how are they made How difficult will this be to iron My favourite shirt she wears
is a white tuxedo with cufflinks shirt

anyway gotta go
got another brain quest here on the computer

10:54 a.m. - 2005-05-28


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