orgami's Diaryland Diary


night manx

i'm a bundle of nerves this morning
maybe i'm just not used to the sleep thing
happening so early in the eve' for me
Max stayed up all night in the window
looking out watching night things
bats attracted to the streetlamp
below the window probably for the insects
they eat a buffet of bugs flying about
flying bugs for the flying bats
makes sense
Max is a cat without wings so looking
out the second storey window is going
to be it for him
He has such a sweet disposition
and quiet little fellow
grey with stripes on his face
white long whiskers
We love and adore our kitty

everyday its clean and bag his litter
and fresh water in his dish and his
special Manx cat Cat food in the tray

i have my appointment with my addictions
counsellor today Last night I went to
the NA meeting it was good
finally figuring out the higher power thing its spiritual and it is through
some people too some people speak and I cannot relate and others speak and it makes perfect sense

anyway still gotta go and scan the band

10:06 a.m. - 2005-06-02


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