orgami's Diaryland Diary


happy dad

hah hah Chloe was here
Now gone home
Boo hoo but we had a freakin' blast
it was so hot and hazy with those
big high up there cloud tops
all light up by the red ball of sun
going into the west over the lake
Lori and Chloe got along and Chloes
mom and I had a great talk when
they dropped her off I am glad we are freinds again She and I really did have quite the early adventures then
Anyway Chloe and I went to the mall
to WEST 49 a skater type store
and then to check out some skater shoes for her because her ones she had on were worn out on the heels
We went to an art store and bought some art books from the nice art store dude
(although we didnt have time enough
this time to do drawings together Plus its hot out up here dryiest hottest since 1943 and 1987 its still hot out there still what a record..) anyway
CHloe Loved it we watched a rock band
down at the lake and walked out on the big wharf or goverement dock and talked about ghosts in Muskoka or Hauntsville
as I called it on the walk home
it was awesome and Chloes Mom Carolee
met Lori up in the apartment where we live (this is a first ever..) and
Carolee will send Chloe up by bus the next time to NOrth Bay to visit
It was so much goodness
I am still floating around after that
It feels good to be back in Chloes life
every girl needs a dad a strong male
role model my father was too me when
he was not layed low by the alcohol
I remember that goodness he had for us
kids then
well suprise I am here
so am I but the sign says after the eighteenth and here I thought before the eighteenth I hope to pay my bill off because I really enjoy writing and recieving diaryland notes from you all
You are all special too me and make my
day just like today
Just like CHloe did I am so glad we did a lot when she came here
well must go now
we stopped at Salvation army for some
good food and there are cookies in the bags under neatht the table at my feet
and crackers and soups and instant noodles etc They are so good that church to people up here
anyway must go now
but am happy happy happy

2:02 p.m. - 2005-07-18


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