orgami's Diaryland Diary


muses lilt melody

oh my god
I am listening to a new Siouxsie
and I have thought I heard all
but haven't
oh yah this is soo good MAKES MY DAY
song called "Pulled to bits"
slow waltz crazy messed up lyrics
lyrical bass
shakers in their some drum work

look down at my hands resting on the
black motherboard here
peop;le mostly kids on the computers
LORI written in tribal black which
is blue on my skin the little heart
over the "i" life is like this
all our directions and choice
RISK my four letter world
(NOT word)

I Love my Lori
I really do

god this song is so delicious to my
thirty mind
I like the piano score in there too

there I will listen to it again
Nine minutes to go before I have
to leave
Tommorrow I have my meeting with
Mike my counsellor brain picker
dude at the Ranger Mental Health
Clinic place its at three so I
should be awake by then to meet
him I really like him
I like all intelligent people
the more crooks and crannies and
wide open intellect the better
I want to be overwhelmned by the
animosity of it all
to fly to the heavens and sink
to the bottoms
of course though I am Bi-Polar so
its to be most expected

6:15 p.m. - 2005-08-30


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