orgami's Diaryland Diary



had two pots of coffee today and
am writing from home
My freind came from up at Clear Lake
with his wife and good freind from
Toronto and all of us went out to look
and take photos of the train the old
defunct steam train and rail cars
all vandalized Anyway we bought from
some other stores on the same visit
a keyboard and a brand new mouse for me
Its a christmas gift from my freind
to me so we can keep in touch through
writing Lori says I have the gift of
gab and I think i have it when it comes to these diaryland entries sometimes

anyway I am here in our fifties tiled
floor Brown tiles with the stripes runing one way and then the other throughout the whole of the aparment

the bathroom though somewhat small
has tiles on the floors and tiles half way up the walls Lori is watching
Judge Judy behind me and she lounges
on the sofa Her sofa I have my own
my chair butts right up against the
back of it now as I type

Crumb is asleep and already my freind
has written me and I have written him

I was out earlier today and it is snowing over the city of North Bay
we had like four inches of the stuff
all slushy on the roads I had to cross
highway seventeen double lanes to get
to Zellers where we get our prescriptions filled and it was a pleasant walk They are slowly getting that duplex they are working on finished
I have been following their progress since it was just an empty lot

anyway Yah writing from home
amazing eh? feel like a lot of you out
there whom writes from their own comfort
and privacy of home
Not like the library where one is elbow
to elbow and the fourescent lights flicker away here I am in the dark except the windows that run the length
of the living room dinning area
behind me

will this change my entries instead of
my observations on the outer world
what possible new world could I describe
to write about period??
already described some of the place here
we have wooden doors with spring hinges
(fire thing) and a peephole but when
people are opening and closing their
doors or talking in the halls it echoes out there and sounds ominous in here
hah hah

anyway I am feeling fine sitting here
in the dark of the apartment
we dont open the venetian plastic white
blinds because our room is sort of sunk in and the windows are practically at
ground level Basement apartment
Its not that deep but its like you know
somewhat lower then outside

Lori is watching the tube
lets see what is on
Oh its Maury we always watch Maury
so many different people with different
problems out there

did I mention I swept the floor today
and tommorrow after school I will mop them when I get home after eleven thirty

anyway thats it for today
unless later I think of something
worthy to note
off to watch television now

3:51 p.m. - 2006-01-04


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