orgami's Diaryland Diary


new years night

watched Blade Runner last New
Years eve

cant believe that movie was
made in 1982

character Roys words on the
rooftop after the fight scenes
"I have attacked ships on
fire on the shores of Orion.."
"all these moments will be lost
like tears in the rain.."

this all takes place near
the end of the movie

I love the movie I went to see
it when it came out and it had
that controversial scene in the
ending of Decker and Racheal
driving in a vehicle through
like a forest scene because
it made no sense to the raining
cityscapes of the movie people
were upset and the ending was
cut also the character Trish
in the fight scene with Decker
in Sebastians apartment picks
up Decker by the nostrils and
this was cut also from the movie
I remember reading that at the
time Daryl Hannah who played
Trish just made up that move
when the camera was rolling

And i remember that Phillip K
Dick the great sixties science
fiction author was helping to
create the movie and he actually
sadly died during the making of
the movie it was a heart attack
so he never got to see the
finshed movie I remember
little of the book

flipped to watch the ball drop
in Times Square and then watched
some other shows and came in
here to write on the computer

tommorrow its back to work so
thats a reality i know well about
ha ha


9:27 p.m. - 2007-01-01


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