orgami's Diaryland Diary


home style

slush and other
bright novices

a freise of kisses
a compassion
of cold hearted

under the ragged
mileage of the sidewalks
sunken traffic
there can be noted
reciepts and coffee cups
windsheild winter stick
ends from the traffic parking
box candy from winter thick
fingers dropped encased before
the bright eye of a bird can
find it and liberate it false
colour false sugar and all

the liberal amount of dog shit
large and small
brown small broken bottles
and flattened plastic carcasses
of Pepsi and Coke Cola
a bruised penny shellaced
with patina soaking in the
brine of the curb

overhead the trees scrape
whats left of the day
turning sunset visions into
dancins streamers and plumes
rising from hot steel orifices
the city downtown proper
brick building to high rise
gas breath
hot sweaty exhaust of buses
and great rigs on their

no trucks allowed

no left turns


Beware of Dog

Deliveries at the rear

flat plains of ice
covered by a thin whisper
of snow waiting
for those not watching

i follow the steps sometimes
like those who discovered
the footprints in stone in
Africa and at times in the
heat of summer in my old
ancient pirate house the
tracks of flies on the
flourescent tubes

i am a speed walker now
i jump small snowbanks and
race across four lanes
of traffic
go around the flat slippery
pass people on the outside
of the sidewalk
traffic hissing past in a
giant blur

the huts are on the ice
communities of people
with their synthetic
lines and their minnows

their thick snow boots
black or green
faces flame red from the
wind and the sun
they buzz with energy
in the line up for coffee
in the mornings


Here at the library
the usual amount of kids
are all here
I read Adbusters
and Art magazine
and something about
Airplanes and old men

paying bills
is a mystery
but please oh please
dont take my TV

the ransom will be paid
in due time
we will catch up with
we will become loyal
to the television gods
we will give them their
offerings when its deemed

we will sit immersed in
visual propaganda
become immurred by the
ads hypnotized by the
change of channels
sit their in the dark
drinking our caffienne
free sugar free Pepsi

eating our oven cooked
chicken burgers on
an english muffin bun
onions and relish
all on a small plate

the cat will slip behind
the vertical curtians
to sit and watch the night

we will all be happy
and warm.....

5:32 p.m. - 2007-03-05


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