orgami's Diaryland Diary


work woes and woo hoo

near eight
puter hums and clicks

got my background done
for the loon painting
just have to put in the
loon with baby on back
and a water lily

stressed my back out
helping someone carry
in their fifteen inch
summer rims on the tire
which is the norm these
days Fifteen inch
what the hell is next
twenty inch and the tire
is like a huge lug thing
where are these people
going to go these days
with those??

just take off over the curb
and through the forest
drop her in low and four
wheel it through Farmer
Jacks back acres for a jaunt
just like the commercials
want a person to believe

and in winter we dont
get the snow like we used to
in the old days when there
was only winter tires and
sand bags in the trunk to
help a person get around
maybe a bucket of sand or
salt in the old trunk too
a station wagon was the SUV
back then Vans were in but
unless it was a volkswagen
a Van was a truck basically

anyway off topic my back
was messed up by the time i
got to the basement with
those super babies

so i went in the damp rain
to the clinic and waited in
line for hours and finally
got to see the doc
gave me some Tylenol threes
with codienne and caffienne
i think and some muscle

so i am enjoying my aching back
and my buzzed out existance
feel so good that i just vacumed
cleaned the whole apartment

and now sat here writing people
including you devils out there
in Diaryland Land

but have to cut this short
and get painting the loon
work and then come home and
work and then sit around after
and go to work

ha ha ha


7:56 p.m. - 2007-04-24


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