orgami's Diaryland Diary


in trouble again

weekend is here
people who were supposed
to be so gung ho about
taking me along with them
were a no show like i figured

so i can putter about the place
cleaning etc tommorrow

may have messed up the computer
drives well one of them maybe
i dont know what i am doing
sometimes just hitting keys
and getting lost and closing
windows and sometimes deleting

depressing sometimes
i get so worked up over it
and feel like an idiot
Lori helps me by getting
upset too
just story of my life of
women yelling at me for
errors i have made and
men disliking me for my
stand offishness was
not socialized in the big
way probably read too
many damned books

i do like writing my poetry
though I wish Lori would
write more she has such a
beautiful mind and huge
retention of vocabulary
both her young ones as with
her won all the awards in
schools etc

dont know what shes doing with
me sometimes we baffle each
other for the most parts

we were involved in the complexities
of leaving each other in theory
and the only thing disputed was
this computer

of course if that time every
comes i would walk out the door
with little like i have every other
relationship ive ever been in
preferring a small satchel of
clothes and my beloved photo album
which i have stripped down discarded
and kept only the very significant

go back to using the library
computer or start reading again
used to be a voracious reader
three years ago Now i havent read
a book in two years

anyway gotta go now
cant solve all lifes problems
my biggest ambition this summer
is to grow my hair long and
its already shoulder length and

oh and to get that tatoo
never have the money for it
though money always just seems
to go here and there where its

so sad too bad
heh heh


1:32 a.m. - 2007-05-12


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