orgami's Diaryland Diary


ready made redemption

so there is this cool woman
working at the LCBO store
HOLLY was her name

of course i flirted with her
yah me fat and old and not
attractive missing teeth
scarred etc

my hair was free and my MOSSIMO
ball cap was tilted on my head

she asked me if i had an airmiles
card and i said no then i asked
her what air miles was

she said it was for Redemption
then blushed and said it was
not for sins but for product
redeeming stuff

I thanked her by her name on
her little plastic name tag
and she told me to enjoy my

which i am doing right now
listening to NIRVANA
on the computer while typing

work was busy today
i want to get my time down
for making AFO casts
but i can only mix small
amounts of plaster in a cup
and apply it with a bread
and butter knife before it
starts to set and becomes
too dry and hard

then there is the sculpting
to the whole individual item
too the thirty per cent
angle the flat areas

a learned artistic technique
they are happy with my work
and i am happy doing this
its just concerning me that
it takes so long sometimes
but then i try to make them

i'll have to ask them
put on plaster shave off with
tool fill in holes cracks
wet sand
fill in holes
wet sand
find angles
shave off
wet sand
fill in holes
adjust angles

etc etc etc

i use calipers to
calibrate width
depth height

I dont know the
patient history
its just a sort
of creative intuition
and interpretation
of what i was shown
over a month ago

i get paid nine bucks
an hour from eight
thirty to twelve

and basically as an
art project this is
a "sculpture"

physiotherapists can
give clients a generic

but we basically custom
make a brace that goes
that extra mile

our braces are made exactly
for the individual

our arch supports are
created from exact impressions
of the clients foot

and we do the utmost to
satisfy our clients

we provide top of the line
footwear also

i guess in the end its all
about how much a person thinks
their health is worth

but personally

i think mobility is pretty
damned important

anyway its Friday

its cool enough we turned
off our air conditioner

i asked Lori to wake me up
early to start cleaning
vacuming scrubbing
laundry etc

so its like twelve ten
and i think she will wake me
like around seven thirty

i made up a book a photo
album a full page holder

cut to size my picture paper
print and inserted them in
this flowery blue book

showed them today my work
that i have completed since
last fall to present

they are impressed with my
artistic ability

i am glad

i fit in there
i make things
i help people

better then being a social
pain in the ass

shit forgot to tell you

i almost got run over by
some asshole in a red Volvo
yesterday coming home

i made it to the intersection
of seventeen and eleven
and looked left to cross the
off ramp leading north on
eleven there is a city fence
but for the most part people
travell slow around this curve
so i start to cross and luckily
i am still keeping my eye on
the curve This fucking jerk
comes ripping around the corner
and i have to run across the
fifteen feet of roadway to the
triangle had i of just
slowly walked across that
peice of pavement i would
have been hit or he would have
had to burn his brakes to stop
before striking me

some old guy too not a young
guy i dont trust the crossing
up there i keep my eyes on
that oncoming lane
that guy was moving fast

i rolled my car when i was
younger then now and had
surgery on my left arm
a pin was put in etc
it took all summer just to
build up the strength by
paddling on the lake
and then working as block
worker on a cement masonry
company come fall

they took the pin out
lucky me

i have no desire to get hit
by a car bus train truck

my great joys is walking
my knees are bothering me
but thats because i am
thirty pounds overweight

eating comforts me though

oral fixation

sugar laden coca cola
with caffienne

well tommorrow is here
and tommorrow is when
i will be awakened by
Lori my love interest
my Bunni my other half
the one i love

you wonder about Holly??
i am a flirt
i used to cross lines
way back twenty years ago
but not lately

to much drama

even though i love drama

god i am so tired
my back is so sore and aching

i have taken pain killers and
nothing is touching it today

i have to lose this thirty pounds
it seems impossbile i have
retained this weight for four
years now

heart disease and diabetes

is this what i want??

holy shit
the moon is the colour of
Cheddar cheese tonight
and it looks full

just noticed it and checked
it out

means it will be hot tommorrow

blah blah

must get going now

until again


11:43 p.m. - 2007-06-01


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