orgami's Diaryland Diary



well im broke again

and in the zero amounts

but Friday is pay day

thank good ness

weekend went well

spotted a bike rack

on a trashed bike

but no tools to extract

then again today

another bike mashed

but parts good

and on the curb saw

a laptop and printer

and something else

electronic but its trash

still the parts might

have worked for someone

but no pack sack today

Nor shoes

while i took an unplanned

ride downtown

it was beautiful

Fathers day today

my daughter called

we chatted for half

an hour

what a nice suprise

Lori got me this nice

gift pack

sentimental stuff

very nice

I Love it

my day was made

Landlady asked nice

for me to cut the lawn


I said Of course!!

it was so hot out

and that damn near vertical

hill out back

its almost straight up

luckily the mower it

has this saftey device

that if you let go

it stops automatically

Imagine me falling down

the hill and the mower

landing on my face foot

or hand

(Get Jason's Hockey mask!)

all and all its going

very well

My painting is coming along

i'm cooking real pototoes

instead of those gut rotting

instant mashed potatoes from

the box

Lori gets the best!

well must get going

toodle doo


8:23 p.m. - 2007-06-17


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