orgami's Diaryland Diary


digging in the great earth

three o'clock and home here

Lori has done the laundry
wow i feel great to have
the help as she must feel
to have me help her

we are a team!!!

cats are affectionate as
hell today and i scratch
their ears and rub them
and hold them

they purr contented purrs

worked on my bike again
its just this white and red
mountian bike but i love it

i acrylic painted the parts
that were red that had scratchs
and chips and the white paint
parts i painted white

took some of the oil and dirt
off the chain and chrome parts
that were handy

so it looks like someone took
a brush and went over the
scrapes and scratchs

oiled it up somemore

poor ol thing
a bit like me

I love it

never thought a bike
could feel so good
reminds me of when i
was a teen ager

i had a light green
reflective painted
ten speed with gumwall
tires and chrome this
and that a bike rack
on the back

it was awesome

it got old and decrepit
and then someone finally
stole it

but i remember it still

i love this mountain bike
i can go over sand dunes
with this baby and offroad
without having to worry
about bending the skinny
ten speed tires

god i am all dirty from
work too

i was digging for the pipe
that drains water from the roof
they went and covered up the
pipe the landscapers did last
year before i started

i tried to find it today
but they will bring a fish
tape from home and we shall
see if we can get the fish
tape to go through the
blockage So i came home

they have the street machines
out working on something
i can hear the loader or back
hoe banging away on something

its quite windy out windchimes
chiming very nice to hear

birds singing

neighbours out talking on
their back veranda or deck
i should say

they are just digging up a
storm up there

i used to work around backhoes
for a living for six years

im all black hands
and dirty pants
look like an old bum

heh heh

well a bit tall for that part

all those old fairy tales i
remember from a kid

we had colour illustrations
from the twenties watercolours
fabulous paintings in a
book set that came with an
encyclopedia set my parents
bought for their birth daughter
back in the fifties

about the only thing i ever
would have wanted from my dad
and the house

but it went somewhere
hopefully someone treasures
them and will pass them on
they were exceptional

anyway i feel like going downtown
for some reason

pick up my tools in my packsack
at a freinds where i forgot them

BUT good news!!

i found my coffee cup today
on a desk in the clinic back in
our work area Ho Ho I must
say i love that cup its got
a lid on it and its insulated

Loris Doctor gave it to us
she is the best
well my doctor is good too
but we both love Loris Doctor
both are fine women

well the doctors are women
and Lori is a fine woman also


3:07 p.m. - 2007-07-03


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