orgami's Diaryland Diary


summer of 2007

all this time off
hours all messed up
sleeping waking up
staying up for days

getting sent on missions
like to pick up cat litter
from far off mall
and cat food and other
heavy stuff in big blue

it weighed in around
sixty nine pounds

Something I AM NOT used to
carrying on my back in
scorching heat full days

got home sweat just pouring
off me legs all shaky

but a good feeling knowing
that the cats have their litter
and their food for the rest
of the month

have been downloading free
flight games Chaos and i have
a microsoft sidewinder joystick
which in its day was top of the
line for PC i bought it from
ValueVillage for like four dollars
and found the driver online for
free to download so it would

so i just fly around in my one
of three free demo games

my computer does not have the
latest greatest video card
this will cost me around one
hundred dollars plus installation
but i want it

what else

my poetry site is amazing
one of my poems called
Court House Groupies
is like fifth from spotlight
for the last two weeks
so thats pretty good for just
starting to write since july
early on

its not my poetry site its
for everyone there are some
amazing poets on there
i spend most of my time there
or checking who writes me from
that dating/freind site

well it wont be long before
the kids are back in school
and the leaves will be changing
and the nights start to get

wont be long at all


2:06 a.m. - 2007-08-04


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