orgami's Diaryland Diary


down and not out yet (i hope)

K r a s h

computer is down
in at the garage getting a meltdown
and a reload or something

it is a challenge to the guy working
on the thing

sooner or later it was bound to

so no computer
except here at the late great library
where i used to come i the very
beginning only

its the usual

bike locked outside
hopefully still there when i
get out of here

bike rear wheel has a wobble to
it and the seat is coming apart
on one side

falling apart the old thing
but it still works
the wheel wobbles but it wont
fall down

went to the soup kitchen today
and saw lots of hard looking
women even one in a bikini
straight off the streets

lots of tatoos on guys and missing
teeth i fit right in

the soup was delicious
and the coffee was good too

my Neopoet site has some good
review of my poetry
they want me to comment on others
works too though more
thats okay as soon as i get my
busted computer back
(if it still works)
i will write comments

its only fair they say

anyway must get going now
beautiful day out
have to head home

until again


12:20 p.m. - 2007-08-13


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