orgami's Diaryland Diary


Freazing Freeking cold

Must be something about me

or my ways of communication

or vibe

But basically most people have

quit writing

So I amuse myself with U Tube

or general perusal of the great

Big Brother Broadband

or fly my free downloaded

basic pixel flight game

bombing things or shooting

things Dogfights landing

attempts Hovering with

rotor aircraft jets

commercial military etc

Or my F-18 Korea game

anyway in all games there

is zero human contact

and I havent gone to a

meeting in a long while

and cant remember the last

time i sat in a coffee shop

with another flesh and blood

freind and shot the breeze

Neopoet has been limited on

replies to my poems

and I'm running out of things

to write about anyway

I mean people love them

but the site has expanded so


okay Realtime challenge for day
as i sit here

Dryer in house is broken
basement does not work
has not worked since last
night No one put up sign
so we have three loads of
washing that need drying
one is the landlords
and two are ours

Freind tenant in basement
thinks the landlord should
pay for use of machines
at laundromat because we
paid our money for laundry
included in rent already
but I think that only covers
the actual machine use
and a breakdown is only
a natural thing to have

howeve my logic does not
get the laundry dried and
we have not the hangers or
place to hang up all that
laundry to dry up here

so we have to get to the
laundromat at any rate
and maybe owe the landlord
the money later

but thought number two
we got our phone bill and
they say if we dont pay by
the twenty fifth they may
disconnect our service
being that im not sure
what they do
im in the dark

i dont want to lose my
computer OH GOD OH NO

I hope i get a decent paycheck
because we have to give a little
to everyone because of the
big Christmas Give Away

what are you going to do
the kids were here
we have freinds
we usual put on a big meal
for our freinds

so as a result we have a
financial debt now
which means we are dummies
that will have to learn
the hard way

business is business

or as its been said

"Its Just Business"

Okay Lori and I had our
Tete to Tete and she
tells me to pay the phone

which gives us around one
hundred dollars to pay the
other bills

the sun is shinning out
today but its bitterly cold
out bitter

work was well
got lots done


2:03 p.m. - 2008-02-11


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