orgami's Diaryland Diary


early light

Summer hot summer
not rainy summer cool
like all last year

our garden shaded as it
is grew nothing to speak
of this year they are
busy putting in more flowers
then ever bitten by the

we have strawberrys in the
old tomato garden
they seem to be not doing too

we need rain though its a bit
dry from the heat
some storm is supposed to be
coming my back is killing me
so I take pain killers with
codienne but they have caffeinne
too and then I drank two litres
of Pepsi bah ran out of milk
for coffee

havent been out at night for
a few days or out much in the day

living vague like and on Neopoet
where I mostly write still

yet Diaryland has such a whole
unique feel to it I find its
more isolated even though there
are many here

Neopoet is like a village of old
this is more a personal place
to me

I still Love Diaryland
I remember the cat logo they had
I always thought it was more for
women Ive just been using a
typewriter all these years to
try to keep track and then it
all went away and I find now
I cant remember half which is

the winter was long and ver cold
and we had tons of snow The snowbanks
were seven feet tall from the
plows and from keeping the driveways
clean We dont get that up here
Down our way where I used to live
yes becuase it came from the West
off the great Lakes which this year
were frozen over Even Superior at
one point a huge lake

im tired but not in exhausted way
was out biking like mad with the kid
these past weeks shes building up
my cardio wants someone who can match
her pace on the trails around the city
and get out so she gets to know where
everything is

shes going to school come fall
school says she cant use school bus
too close so she can bike or take
city bus if we buy a pass so she
doesnt have to freeze

so early here the birds are singing
four fifty in the morning
gotta get this place tidied up
and do some jobs before the girls
get back from their trip
just been doing nothing

starting to blank out
listening to the birds and this
computer fan hummning
no lights on the television on low
in the living room to add some white
noise some distraction to the stillness
that has suddenly filled the air

fall will be here too soon and
Autumn with her rich palette of
diverse shades

the lake is so dark brooding I love

4:42 a.m. - 2009-06-23


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