orgami's Diaryland Diary


thirty first (and whitecaps on the lake)

sleepless eve

the new winds howl
raking through their path
the cold front sweeping
in and exiting the last
of the warmth

the winter sleep
will trail south
following the migration

following the suns

and stars will fire
like snowflakes

falling in their way


sitting at the mall
a new place
the library is ancient
and archaic and not well
for writing

this is much more suited
with modern equipment and

and there is more commerce
and traffic to distract then
the air or machine that rumbles
and the seats are more comfortable

There is shopping to be done after
this my packsack ready
Cat litter a forty pound box
give or take
basically dirt in a box!

lug this all home across the city
stretching the legs getting some air
building up the system

writing from home was pleasant
but is distant now
another phase of here and now

and the extreme bonus of this is
the ability to drink a coffee from
this little Kiosk establishment
along the major artery
three computers on one end of the
rectangular establishment

cant afford anything from them but
the computer and coffee

coffee and meds for the back
food is on the wayside at the moment
as I attempt to lower the body mass

at this remote age with limited
activity other then the staid route
to work and here

well its a challenge

sports need investment
and we have our funds rationed
carefully for a lifestyle that
is month to month as many

walking is free and very good

and these computer sites such
as this one too requires no
annual membership

I would much rather do with the
pastel looks and no image posting
then be like Farcebook of which
I did find an initial attraction
but slowly find it doesnt really
apply to me as much anymore

the people I do want to interact
with I do so in a person to person

and recently began to integrate
the real world by picking up a newspaper again and getting in
touch with the pace and pulse of
the community via this venue

its interesting because since my
absence of writing here so much
I went to another site
and found in popularity a following
for writing

and then through lifes usual grow
and spell variations of social
development have come back to the
quiet I once enjoyed

i found it interesting throughout
the patterns and habits of there
writers and poets

I still exist writing
on both sites
but am retracting my interest
preferring to step out in physical
in the community for my coffee
and (here is my achilles) this
connection electronica

I desire no cell blackberry and
portable musical devices
and should the immediate need to
call comes about I simply use
the payphone of which all tracking
manners are kept anyway
(as does triangulation with cell)


yes today is Halloween and there
are many creative costumes
and people dressed up

some like me are plain and dull
ordinary in our passing
but the festive of this pagan
holiday is commencing this evening
and as usual it is cold and raining
(at least it is not precipitating
snow flurries)

I did want to purchase a gourd to carve
or pumpkin i guess but we declined
at one time I roasted the seeds and
salted them finding a fare change
from sunflower

im hoping to return to reading
soon that is a plan or dream
that is yet to be realized fully
so much time is taken in the running
of the household with the little family

mankind is such a fascinating animal!

one merely needs to look at the mirror
or see the reflection in our peers
to us to recognize that recognizance

lah dee dah

and so forth

time to get running
much to do
ground to cover

hope the rain holds off
as Im not in my usual
flight jacket replica
with fake collar
but a eighty dollar hoody
from Athlete World from a

just sitting here running out
time on the clock and no
I have nothing left at the moment

Happy Halloween!!

2:05 p.m. - 2009-10-31


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