orgami's Diaryland Diary


back then

The moon is rising
bright white against
the sky
its painfully cold
and everything is so clear
the stark branches black
like worry lines
spider smiles at the corner
of the horizons eye

the fire crackles and steam
bubbles out of the wood
even with blue jeans and track
pants my shins feel frozen
Rays in the big machine gathering
up the old trunks listening to
Yo Yo Mah playing Bach or some
shit Im hopping around throwing
in the blackened ends to four
fires around the clearing
on the side hill

I look up on the ridge now and
then to see If I can see the small
pack of wolves that live in this
pocket of the world
but mostly its the cold

and the sky grows darker
the moon brighter and the day
dies quickly Just the lights
of the machine throwing skewed
slashs into the woods

No eyes reflecting back
thats good

the fire is blazing still

12:57 a.m. - 2010-09-08


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