orgami's Diaryland Diary


wishing for a winter campfire

Keep moving
then at dusk
took both cameras
and went Lakeshore
drive for a walk
Up over the by pass
snapping pics
snow falling the cold
wind blowing
the train yards never
fail to impress
1888 and beyond
the rail was King
still important
still going

NorthBay Mall older
smaller quieter then
new modern super busy

coffee at the coffee shop
then back home
into the wind
been hours and caught
an AA meeting
home again and back
to Macs just four streets
up and back for treats
for Bunni
and sitting here for
hours and Im still shivering
still got the chills
Man theres nothing like
a mid north winter

I love it
wish I had a fire
wish I was crafty enough
to build a shelter out
of branchs and boughs
listening to the wind
in the limbs
the crackle of the fire
feel the wild the true
wild for once
that natural awe or fear
of something greater
and unknown

woods have always frightened
me something about bears
and wolves and modern stories
lately about these animals
from hunters and trappers
still give me the chills
its the intelligence they
have that gets me
Here we are messing in everything
they have and for the most
part they stay away from us
gotta make you wonder at the
best of times

I love my bed my blankets
my streetlight outside
my quiet neighbourhood

but in the day when im
very daring I go up the
trail to the falls
and sometimes beyond
just for a thrill of
being in the "woods"

11:46 p.m. - 2010-12-04


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