orgami's Diaryland Diary



twenty eight minutes and falling
Listening to Beethoven by
a beautiful blonde pianist
amazing talent

outside the snow falls
the lush damp flakes
pushed by a breeze

abandoned the bike to the
back of the Inn
locked to the gaurd rail
covered in snow and
full of slush

walked here
to write
then to soup kitchen for
soup and coffee
elbow comraderie
Steinbeck would have been
moved Charlie would have
liked the flavours

been back on the medications
lately and they are like a
trip without leaving my body
the days are so supine and
supple sometimes
I feel like I am flowing
curving in the hours
and days where before I would
have careened off the walls
(not physical but a metaphysical
sense of disproportion But in
a good way..some days anyway)

love this music on the headphones
cant wait to buy decent headphones
and a small battery charger plug
in the wall unit to charge up
the double AA's for listening to
the classics I have a few discs
with some random picks

the rains will come soon enough
and then it will be bliss at night
to hear it dripping and the rush
of it falling on the empty parking
lot the lights catching them
like diamonds

11:50 a.m. - 2011-04-20


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