orgami's Diaryland Diary


so....just listening to some Prodigy

"Fuel my fire"

odd that it took the "SuckerPunch"
link to make me accept this music
odd what associate association
makes connect! close my eyes
and smell all the random smells
in there Books old carpeting
musty smell of damp people
clothing from the slush covered
streets What wonders dogs pick
up with their vastly superior sense
of smell

some undercurrent I dont like
glad I have a few minutes still
here and not the full hour
Maybe I will pick up some movies
except I have no place to put them
and I dont like them swinging about
in a back from the handlebars
caught one almost full in the spokes
once hell with that
I can watch television when I get

slush on the streets and strips
of ice all lumpy and bumpy out
there a basic challenging drive
about but glad I got the bike
moving again for a good old run
too bad its Kaputnik

been looking at the new bikes in
Wal Mart about what I can afford
or to pick up something second
hand...decisions decisions..

2:14 p.m. - 2012-01-11


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