orgami's Diaryland Diary



work was well enough
render the cardboard down
for recycling with the
box cutter..its a time
consuming job this
standing there while
the techs work on their
stuff..I draw on my paycheque
envelopes and tack them to
the wall overtop of the tech
info I know well enough heads with classic
mouths and romanesque statue
eyes..The love the little
gallery..My radio Peter gave
me..(tool and die man)
CBC radio, all intelligencia
and music and talk..The boss
loves it. Hes a drummer and
esoteric and talented..Likes
me because I'm part native
and an artist too..understand
his love of his special patients
that touch him..Loves me as
I can craft out these plaster
moulds for the braces and arch
supports intuitively now
Knowing what each techie wants
basic enough and today special
techies are showing up so I
spent extra time cleaning up
the room as I know hes proud
of his small effecient lab
we lab rats inhabit with our
loud laughs and jokes rock
and roll radio sing alongs..
I spent time with the nerds
in high school being an art
junkie even though Im six
feet tall and hulking with
my american copy aviator jacket
and cowboy boots..Dads seventy
six mustang hatchback be bought
for us boys to drive and learn
a stickshift and clutch painted
blue with lower rocker panels
body primer grey. We took
the eight ball from our old
pool table game and drilled it
and put it on the stick shift
Rebels we were! my brother
and I. people would just
come to my table where I sat
drinking coffee and writing
poems and drawing pictures..
I failed a grade by one course
and went back with a full
timetable took half the courses
and then dropped them all save
the one I needed and just
haunted around the old school
like a lot of people..It was
the mid eighties and a very
large population of kids then.
eighteen hundred..same school
now has only six hundred and
fifty..tore down the old plant
and built a new one..
People would come and sit with
me one by one during their lunch
breaks and talk to me about home
life their wants and needs
their troubles etc..I realize
now I did have a lot of people
in my life..didnt think much of
it then..

came home to here and let puppy
out of safe bathroom so she doesnt
eat the couch or all the paperwork
run about the small backyard
and went online to find net all
messed up..had me going..
what if it all crashs??
its such a connection this
a wonderful way to relate to
people far far away

our human voices storytelling

1:57 p.m. - 2012-01-23


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