orgami's Diaryland Diary


In temporal Difference

take the chandelier down
and clean out the cobwebs
and costumed husks of the
multied host mummies of
insects and bugs

the old lamp is dead
long from the strike of
lightning from that rainless
electric storm

the wind settles in her
swelter stance sweat stained
and smeary
feel her lashs when she winks
at the moon doggedly wandering
along through the mirth of stars
shes grown old of her cameo starlet
role her crown is crooked and
tarnished with the dust of
comets so had come to trust

spells are for casting and love
is for fasting for who can
eat when the fever is upon one
who can quench that insatiable
thirst that runs deep like a
ravine that will swallow your
voice and make you whisper
like stars falling in dreams
and dead wishs

12:32 a.m. - 2012-02-08


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