orgami's Diaryland Diary


goldz membershipz

if I wasnt so busted ass broke
all the time..

i could hand over cash to the
girls here.. have a life
beyond just buying coffees
from TWIGGS specialty coffee
houses where the girls wear
black shirts black slacks
black shoes and look fab!

I would buy a fucking salmon
sandwich and salad and a Cafe
Americano and read the latest
paperback from Coles in the mall
from the girl with blonde hair
and glasses that looks as nerdy
and out there as they come..
but she has a bookstore to work

Damn those books smell good
new... I bought one from them
too..not the blonde but the brunette
she was so happy... and I read the wasnt too bad...
and I gave it away..gave away my
love notes in it for page minders
by foolish was I>>

nothing is real anymore worth
holding onto
not at this age

looking on Google Maps for a place
that Ive forgotten now
twenty some years ago
I can remember the day
the night the weather

but its missing somewhere
like books

faint like the light before I
cruise over the horizon

funny in a sad sad way

to have a gold membership
here would be great..
I must save money
for the old age

my old chum from long ago
got diabetes and lost his
eyes and then his feet
past his ankles

he can hear his memories now
doesnt have to worry about
cutting his toenails
and can feel the wind listen
to the pines and feel the rain

11:30 p.m. - 2012-09-19


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