orgami's Diaryland Diary


daze upon daze

just heard its Thursday

nice to work all day
hit a meeting and find
out Im a day away somehow
I love these get aways
and its nice to be back
Thank You!!

(Where the **** did Wednesday go?)

whomever I was this day I hope
I get the credit for the work done

Supper tommorrow..Dont know if one
of the girls are going..or if I have
to go alone and find someone on the way
there for a free dinner...just nice to have someone there to make a memory you can talk about in a unison kind of way...duality of a partnership of an event in reality of life...

in the meantime I have to bike home
six klicks every day and my body is
getting built up slowly...I never would
have thought in a million years that
there would be a benifit to any of this..I seriuosly just dont think about these kinds of things..But my legs are arms from work.
my lungs and heart for just rolling along for a long long way now without
stopping!! I feel it..but Im not wiped
out when I get someplace and can hop
on the bike and turn about and go another
six for a mission..Its useful!!! Who Knew????

Like when I took the dogs up the hill through the trees on that steep long slope..I did it...thats when I finaly realized that there is a purpose to mind numbing effort...

and the dogs are in good mental and physical health..happy for sure..
they go crazy when I get home and
take them out on their leads

we have to go across this street that
comes downhill and swoops about by our
lower drive on the housing units
There is always traffic flying about first it was a pain but now
its a challenge to see if we get hit
or not...How can this be exciting??
it just is.. ITs the beginning..just..and the rest is just as fun too!!!

gotta go
out of time here at the Library
its been fun writing..

2:42 p.m. - 2012-12-06


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