orgami's Diaryland Diary


snow slog jog...

Some snow fell
Bunny manned the shovel and cleaned
off all ten feet of our sidwalk
in front of our unit and the two
feet that lands just under our little
porch type roof..that is linear feet
not vertical snowfall..Took pups out
for romp in snow..They love the snow!
so we went up the highway to the
base tube under ONR tracks and then
up to the old parking lot to the yard
all lit up..vents working...
eye in the sky watching over..Then back down trail..They are putting in sewer
pipes or water or sewer on Ski Club
road to the base...and Hydro has tubes
and poles right at the old hydro line
going straight up the big hill.
The gas is active and sizzling away
at its stations....We enjoyed it much..
Earlier in the day a deer hopped from
the brush stopped to look at us and
then hopped back into the brush...
The dogs up the hill were tailing
something...Probably a deer!! There is about four to five inches of snow and its warm out with a mist...I shall have to go look at the BRITT ONTARIO RADAR weather link to see what the snow cover
is for North Bay here!!

dogs are tuckered right out
Lillies Shar Pei coat is very prickly
Brush coat I think its called..But she
is very cuddly at night and makes
the happy bear like grunting noises
when Im scratching her ears and neck..
She is sleeping on Loris legs as Lori
watchs the telly under her blanket

I have the dinner ready for Ataya after
she is finished work...Im drinking the
rest of the coffee I made..the last of it for now...its bitter and strong
and cold..and delicious!!

I remember the Christmas Train animation with the character of the train hobo in the same character as Tom Waites making a coffee on top of the train as it zooms along...I made tea over a fire like this lots of time but never coffee....

6:03 a.m. - 2012-12-08


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