orgami's Diaryland Diary


pleasurful joys

Jimmy gone away...Watched a tribute band
from Simpsons Christmas opening 2010..oh yah way back!! Bart gets aboard Otto
driving the christmas train and after
throwin some grass to the steam engine
they lift off and Strange Days the
Original plays...I had forgotten playing
this for Christmas music instead of
dear old Bing Crosby or something..Downing
Whiskey with the old man and eazing into
the Christmas spirits...quiet on these
nights down there then....

Been watching Strange Days the movie
with Ralph Fiennes too from then..James
Camerons movie...How I loved Juillette Lewis then...A local person looks similar to her...Not same..simlar
some mannerisms Like the cover music
I like too when Im bored and should
be doing other shit...That I will be
Doing on Xmaxx that we are
still alive....going to play XBOX now
Liberty City at least this new YorC is still not washed apart...

havent heard how things are down there
What a mess...worlds coming apart
or just getting pissed off finally
..glad we live on this solid sheet of
Bedrock that we do...That we are in
the middle of far enough away from
things....if we have to defend or watch
whats coming in we can sort of...
but not peaks no hills
no valleys and without rail and truck
traffic our food just gives out..

we got fifty five thousand mouths
to feed...and fuel only comes in by
truck no trains really

one genny to run a house barely eats
up a tank of fuel in five hours
maybe three to a five gallon tank
without the main juice running

We got quebec hydro north east
that can keep things going
probably enough ammo here and there
for a time of hunting....
one deer keeps ten people going for
four to five days including stew
and soups....

how many tires needed to man the
highway borders?

I remember the history people walking
all over Europe in the end
and before...

Europe is set up Wells caves forests
houses Mild winters...stores...

Morrison sang all his stuff Written
for him by that band that played North
Bay waterfront weekend back a few years
ago five six??? the originals anyway..

crazy..They were right here!!!

10:26 p.m. - 2012-12-24


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