orgami's Diaryland Diary


Soup Kitchen

roadie and streetz

beautiful hardcore
eyes and the worn
bellicose dreamers
Girls with perfect
french manicure nails
and the guys like me
with missing teeth..

spring arrived in its usual
way..the sun grew hot and
melted the slushy frozen
thoughts of dreams

snowflakes did not fall
today after eleven
(although it was quiet heavy
on my way in to work..The resin
plant full of steam in the mists)

winter was always in the mists

and my writing was going full bore
to the door on other sites..
my photos waiting for proper
batteries but Im ready....

My aviator replica jacket aging
perfect...the smoke pocket full
of Sexual Health Clinic check up
condoms and a little flashlight
that I love to check under base
boards for notes and old pennies

I want to get a pack of Pall Malls
and shove in there...Next time the
needy bug me for a cigarette downtown
they can have something to smoke...
ha...Pall Malls...Americanos

They gave me a free Hepatitis B shot
so I must have passed all the known
viruse tests...The aids test came back
negative...they called me and said they
talked to me on the eight but It wasnt me who was here that day.....

I have issues...I am selves upon selves
like books and chapters on the shelves..

or as a friend said when I knocked on the
door and she opened.."Oh its YOU" in
a statement fashion..nothing shocking..
She knew this one of My Many.s

Writing in my check orange fashionable
shirt double xxl so it fits my sleeves
not that im large in the stomach
my arms are too long....
like the connection sometimes from the
awareness part of the brain to the operating ego and id....a long howl
down the misty valley...I guess somedays I just get up and get going and forget myself behind....I wonder what I do when Im away...sit around going through the archives..Take a break while the tea steeps...something...make up dreams...
shuffle the memories more till reality seems like a fascinating place...

but my friends know..
they know all of me;s

and spring was good today...
we can all get underway and most
of us are happy about that..

8:53 p.m. - 2013-03-20


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