orgami's Diaryland Diary


and then some...

smoking the white smoke
lingering brief before stolen
in the air brisk and sharp

thinking of a stilletto
sharp as a filiment
the heel and calve rising

brilliance of summer now
fading from flip flop winds
to Ugg wonders and brushed
cheeks of cherry rouge

high on octane of adrenalin
the bus swaying on its journey
my errands run today...and
the meetings of the unknown
crossing of paths and fate

enlivened me from the dark
sharp pains of the old ruts
I fall in....the new territories
are hard won in behaviour
to win....the goal of work
and effort...

Working helping others is a
task....volunteering is good
slave work is drum hum..
but even this keeps one in
shape...the focus and fuss
sharp....creative fires are
a forge of writing

More bus ridiing in my too
thin sweater zip up and my
fancy leather dress jacket
with too small pockets
so now Im careful with just
the essentials...

smiling beauties now that
im no longer the ragged man
the bright eyes now with
clarity and more then two
months from the dragons
blood of alcohol that
engorged my flame and
dragged me to the animal
I aroused and became

no longer jousting the
windmills I once saw

no longer afraid of my
own eyes in the mirror
this intensity of their
blue grey set in the
cree face the slavic
form from siberia of
ancient times

our asiatic ancestor
mixed with the north
scot blood

my pack of women behind
me...strong little
stubborn willed ones
I bring tidbits and they
pat my head and feed
me breadcrumbs of richs

textures and touchs
of which I am still
jittery about


I admire their beauty
and depth
their form
as an artist poet writer
I must

or I allow myself the
luxury of these thoughts

I do appreciate the
minute to the width
and breadth of their
endevours and
lately have been
getting my own life also

which I need
being that I am
and not that brilliant
as those I admire

so I focus on what
I have of my own

which is important
Some accomplishments
and its not all doom
and gloom like I like
to lay it out here..

sometimes its the light
the simple pleasures
and treasures of the

and of course knowing
that the darkness is
there..the verocity
of its me
and the world!

Must get going
back to the day
the adventure
the tasks

Like any other....

11:10 a.m. - 2013-11-12


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