orgami's Diaryland Diary



the winter days are longer..
more brighter..
the snow fallen from the limbs
spring ready for its rains..

the ice melting from the roadway
the banks descending

spring break
st patricks day come and gone..
the usual season would be
the kids away from school..
(univercity reading week occurs earlier)
there would usually be more out..
indeed the hardy are out..dressed in
proper clothes..mittens ..hats..
but this is a throwback to the winters
of old...what used to be before the
warmer winters since 2007/2008..

and our economic increases come slow
like the length of the cold..the intense
winter....rises in bread cost..milk
cost and fresh vegetables...

the food bank was rough...baskets on
wheels...a wild its pro system..and less items..
more dependence..faster in and out...

been away from the soup kitchen due to
a different time schedule happy
with cereal and peanut butter..easy cake
and pancake bisquit food...getting away
from junk food and the big meals at the
large resturants burger dinner went from Mooses for over thirty
once a week as a reward to the
five dollars at A&W at the food court..
no more chicken and pork
chops now...rice and pasta..smaller
meals made..more more
pop cases...three single litres of milk
is five dollars almost...min wage is
eleven fifty...thirty dollars a day and
pay bi weekly...cable is two hundred a
month...miscelaneous extra..bus trips
one way are three dollars....most cant
walk the seven kilometers across the issues..mobility..carrying
kids..using carts..carrying food in
sacks on arms...i used to be able to
carry fifty pounds in a large tripper
pack but the clavicle busted and not
healed well..(got the xray results back
and need surgery) after five years
its to a point where even walking long
distances is very sore..aching..cutting
into the energy and mood.. old age
almost fifty and lucky to get this far
like this..for those that work hard
to make the good
things..they donate their body to work.

been at this romnantic partner location
on and off for years...goes well i remain..goes bad i get moved out..then
i get pulled back in a location to work from its great..
just money for good
clothes..or the toys..watchs..decent
extras...just enough for the phone to
keep in touch with home base..

no bus trips out of town...sixty dollars
to go seventy

i tend to not run a lot of friends..i can just manage my own drama...thank you.and this is a closed family system.
not without its any..

no need to go into depths of this..

five hundred a month for my own room..with internet acess..laundry extra or on site....would give me a few more
hundred a month to put into things..
but living alone is a drag..even with
television...and my history here is long..always changing..everyone has

the good moments are good....the long
prolonged moments are what im used too..
we have predictable weather cycles here...its a tough town to crack into..
levels of social hiearchy are strong.

but..we have skies..good water..close lakes and streams and spaces for sports...the college university and the new hospitals...

starting to work on paintings again..
mickey mouse at the moment...doing
nothing that i large works..
they are costly as far as the dimensions
of panels...i like the small manageable
works anyway...

poetry is going better since no longer
daily drinking and using a program..
and now the hard work to develop more
fexibility and change what i want..
repairing broken people who pick me up
out of mere interest at that moment
or i just hand over money and extras
is not the answer either...moaning
and groaning about lost contacts that
also did not work is not a life either..
everyone wants to develop a working

watching the world..the usual woes..

i miss reading again..but the walking
to save money or no money with the bus
takes up a lot...the vortex with the
girls here takes up most of the time..
but there is a kick out of being a
moth going round and round the lamp
of en lightedness...some enlightening

this location is locked down...neighbourgood watch alive and well. cant call them nosey...nice to have an eye on things rather then everyone not caring and locked into the
world beyond the door and curtian..

city is safer then most more happening
cities.....all the work is west for
action jackson jobs and the brains go
east if bi lingual for the more fit into the square peg if you are a square peg job specialized and willing to upgrade
and return to hard core smart school..

or overseas....all things i dont do.
im a homie..i like being in one spot.
a tree is a tree.. a beautiful lake
is a beautiful lake..people are people..

10:57 a.m. - 2014-03-18


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