orgami's Diaryland Diary


skinny jeans..

ive all legs...six foot one.
but a large chest..wide shoulders
long arms...native american build..
head bumped forward...wide cheeks
bones..sloped forehead like the old
reconstruction of the neandarthal
the beak and then sloped chin..long hair goatee sideburns eyes and on sunlight and windy days a weathered in complexion...some lines happening now..some white hairs although in true vanity i pull them out taking hours..
gary oldman is somewhat accurate descript..Leon from Bladerunner a close second.....character face..NOT handsome...but ive got a voice....ive got these intense blue eyes..grey eyes..some weird colour anyway...because im half white and half native its an odd mix.....ive got this long plane face across the width of the cheekbones from the upper lip...the long pointy nose...then the overhang brow and these strange eyebrows..others have likened it to eric roths ape character in planet of the apes..but i think thats more the way the character of the alpha ape moved..his eyes of course which were the most expressive part of the mask....and when skinnier then now..dracula..or a vampire..because of my high brow...
back to the skinny jeans...i got egged to put them on by streetwise vets..older women who come from toronto...or younger one....they didnt laugh....said the jeans looked good...when they dont say anything i just know that i can pull it off...but its taken this long.almost a year of wearing them daily to wear holes in them....which i covered and sewn on patchs from a grovery cloth black with green advertisement writing for presidents choice green and red...its actually very hip! no one laughs or points...i pull this off too....but i have a walk now ive been working on for awhile in these pants..they are designed with spandex to kind of show things..or allude to things..anyway under motion i can move.cant dance but i can move at at least..and with the right dress shirts and jackets with either a scarf or in this case the old bomber designer jacket i doctored it up with a fake designer fur jacket off one of the young jacket...apparently across the board they all use the same pattern for attachments for fake fure collars..since like 2000 on or more..all the hooks and buttons lined up..i was impressed with the fashion industry..
what topped it all off was the aviators on me...large chick glasses too...on me its just the california cool look...screw modern taste...i painted a wolf fangs tonque showing on a blue roundel on the left chest...he has a top hat on and is vintaged cartoon from the forties..non disney....aviators are tinted...seriously i look like nick cave or hunter s thompson or jim jones that dude from africa that made everyone drink the kool aid...i wear a belt with phone black leather holster...nerd style..and another tool...leather go with the wallet chain because i kept losing wallets like crazy...natives have no asses....pants just sag on me..we have odd angles and planes..and the wild hair...thank god im not bald....character hair.. i was trying to lose weight for a time...but i like having the flab on me to a degree...hard times hit for whatever reason i can live on this for a week or more....a month on just water..maybe..skinny people just perish....thats what i think like....carry a little flashlight...cell phone always charged up..used to have a compass too at one time..notepad..two pens...(might have to send someone on point to sketch out things and return to discuss..)

skinny jeans got holes..i hate holes in pants...ment you were poor....and the fashionable wealthies that sport this look are not crawling around in the woods or through trees etc...they get out of the suv and walk into the mall..i worked in construction and dug holes drilled rock poured cement..climbing and having clothes that didnt catch on things was a i sewed on the patchs and they came out very well...fine little stitches all jagged lined but works...i wear the mans thirty four thirty four....and this is a thirty two so its jess's size...shes pretty hot..the ladies like it....and i adopted this prowl....the jacket looks weathered and beaten up....vintaged..the pants are vintaged..the belt with the nice western style buckle thing is vintaged...the cases are getting that worn look...the pen is all beat up..the dress shirts are ancient and battle weary too like my face...the dress shoes all dirty but holding up.....and now i got my little old fifty year old man sue me..ha ha ha............this works...its a good overall look....i feel capable enough at this not fat and overweight like some....i can fit through tight spaces if i have too..the wolves wont get me out there..or the bears..(i used to weigh two hundred and seventy eight pounds not that long ago..) now i weigh one hundred and probably now back to two hundred and some ninety eight...not big muscles on the long arms and legs..not into the look either being built...cant afford the weight gain and juices and special meals and gym membership and steroids like the real crazies use...thats their look for their purposes..not knocking it..just i like the original...i like the vintage restored original specs...on machines anyway....people can have work...

am i this ego driven and vain..yes..
and..i also do what i can to care for other people..just not into the great amount of sentimentalism cards..or flowers...maybe that matters more then a bathroom exhaust fan restoration so it doesnt vibrate in the night and works effeciently to pull up the steam etc faster..

glued the button nose back on the wooden spring bunny cut out outside the front door on the complex here..nice units..angled not just the flat wall.the shared overhang boxes..but intricate beautiful designed place..nicest housing i think in this city.....

too bad the city is all about egos and politics....can you sense how i love it here???? ha..its like the eighties...and they play all the eighties music too....funny city...funny me....enjoying life though..on my walk with the dog on the little underpass are two main official pedestrian trails..and lately ive been picking up the trash in little grocery bags..each trip with the dog i take a bag out or two...hard to believe but its making a difference..stuff i can do on no budget...and still look good for an old cat too...okay this is not poetry...

11:13 p.m. - 2014-05-14


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