orgami's Diaryland Diary


short fences

the water is chilled
the night stars stare
and they never love
like the summer sun did
for some

not I
never I with the love of radios
playing out of focus
my pictures in wavelenth form
dialed in to a setting
someone listens
someone sees
the songs

so long ago...

u lude..i came looking for it then
when i was ten years younger
and it was nothing..just a thought
to answer the crap i thought i could
not relate to then
i listen to our music of our youth
when we were supposed to be frolicking and daring the world.....
we were not daring
just driving about
just hanging on
with our talking and our cokes

sometimes you get a good life and
its still a joke
and you know
that the kids you saw
you thought were foolish were
really living

one day you wake up and your still
poor having coffees with your last
dollars with the poor kids
your age still grown old
talking the same shit they did
then...and they still have someones
at their table...
you see them now
how ive grown
mature maybe in places
my music more broader like me
my face still ragged
still harrowing a trip
the blue grey eyes
not handsome like the face

and still refuse to fade
but grow more out there
i am becoming lah lah land
i came back from nowhere
a tourist in my now reality

and exciting
i shall send post cards
to me back there

2:21 a.m. - 2014-08-17


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