orgami's Diaryland Diary


three days away.....

fuck...winter arriving still
alive...warm...too wet for dog and i on
trail...not sure whats up there..
something..dont want to know..
we go at dusk almost..very exciting.
primitive..a long all around
but big enough for something primitive
to live in there...spirits too...

home instead....fighting pain..back.knee
clavicle not together....floating..maybe
to be healed....mri come thursday...
ten at night....a trip and a half..
and been listening to chelsea wolfe...over and over and over and over and over again.....the modern era or something like it....crazy vid...this exists and doesnt exist..i like shit like

i like the unreal....fuck the real...
shits hard to take enough as it is..
in the still smoking..
bunni holding her own and me too..
been hanging at the my
fake bomber with crest painted on
and new button..a red badge with
you uncovered and the fuck with black
tape....kind of a kind of unreal
and real match my sentiments
of the world....but hey..go world..
i pick up trash.put my butt in the
butt cans at the mall....

the mall...beauties...none for me..
im too nuts for anyone.....
kind of glad though...people have a
way of telling you what to do..where
to go..what they want..never listen
to what you may want...fuck that shit
i got freedom and i like it..
if i really need romance i will buy
any one of the working girls and buy
what my dark deep dented heart desires.

in the meantime..smoke and coffee
and more chelsea and videos and game
playing and more pain killers...
glad im alone in the basement
the trophy dog sleeping..
the trophy kid away with her insane
obsessive man.whom she loves..
and my woman....on the couch
doors locked ,,,,implements ready
for anyone ready to try us..
me and dog...good practise for all...

1:03 a.m. - 2014-09-18


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