orgami's Diaryland Diary


And then...................................

Cold...but bearable compared to the weekend..earlier..
shit it was something...
didnt go no where..
Tuesday...hope there is work..

Going over how I live with people
and in the end how badly do you
know anyone...You share life..
space...time..sometimes interests
..other then that...

So dive into writers works..
listen to my music...Chelsea Wolf
and Courtney Love before she did
all the surgery and sounded a change
like Lana Del Rey..

Thinking of Hollywood too...the
early works of some..then they
change....adapt their faces..bodies
to something...

Been thinking of the game..XBOX
which is a small three dimensional
world of something I can only think
about ..that being the California
coast....I have been on the North
coast..Below Seattle or near enough.
the sunsets..the hillscapes...
close enough...and the midwest..
I remember well enough...sunsets
as we drove away from the sun.

And in our little hilly and flat
wide hill landscapes we have here..
watching the moon come up..the our lives in this
little city...barely leaving to
do all the years Ive
known my woman here on and off..
and how its been...the struggle
at the best of times to understand
each other or not...

Would it be nice to fit like sauce
and tea cup..a quaint world of give
and take in equality? or has it
been more interesting to have had
all that we had so far...and still
pull the rabbit from the hat?

some years seem wider then others..
like a great plain and yet other
years more distant apart seem like
peaks you can just leap from..
but no...those valleys where a hard
won battle here and there..

How long have I been here writing?
how many times did I just want to
delete all my accounts...often
like I would purge all my writings
boxes of it....

been staying away from downtown
more then ever....the money
no the room
asleep during the day often to go
over things in my head....

go over the trip is all..there is
a beginning and the ending...
at least to portions of it....

and then....the story in between
the writing..
the poetry...

I have to just keep on writing

1:56 a.m. - 2015-02-17


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