orgami's Diaryland Diary


junk shun

someone called me sappy

so I guess I am sappy
ryhmnes with crappy I thought
another called me a fucking liar
I think they meant it in jest

and how I too come down on some people
like a ton of bricks
old behaviour habits
old rythymns non conquered
change is tantamount
a prerequisite to good fellowship
with all

anyway my Library card has been
found and my phone card with it
Just has to make it too me
its always someone or something
I am losing child relationships
dead mothers dead fathers
dead instigators dealers
sad hurtful people finally
making their choice instead
of that fence sitting

"oh I'm gonna kill myself.."
and then they do Finally they
said they would do it an wow
they did it


missed a meeting today
such a strange morning
at the happy house
trying to walk and lose weight
so I can get into regular
jeans instead of these fat
ass pants and I dont have an
ass so they look like shit

jesus what to say to all of the
above??? like this is really me
writing instead of all that poetic
shit Drippy sappy poetic shit
liars shit writing

fuck I ate of dumpsters and walked
for miles to get away from shit
or walk to work walk to get away
walk to just forget for awhile
all the unknowns to forget about
the day or tommorrow
walk it out walk it out walk it out

free music is not free nothing is
free in this country even the air
comes tainted with exhaust
but its air and the day is good
cool and full of snow it feels like
anyway I had a good walk to the
library saw a yellow umbrella
stuffed into a corner by the bridge
over the street the old CNR bridge
overpass down at the bottom between
the sidewalk and the street
where the beams join a metal umbrella
stand the abutment has 1910 impressed
into the hard face now there is no
rail line overhead just empty right of

cd player is traded to pay for the
curtis home stereo cd
we have the DVD player still to listen
to tunes No headphones though

always something coming and going
no function without the junction

anwyay gotta go again
cruise around look up stuff
I always remember neat stuff to look
up at home and then forget when I
get here brain fry after all
the years of drinking and pills

or maybe I am just lazy minded
something eh?

well gone again

5:08 p.m. - 2005-04-05


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