orgami's Diaryland Diary


siouxsie theatric music memory

there are leaves blowing up behind
the truck
Her hair is blowing about from the open
Summers rusting wealth spilling in
before fall reaps everything
her smile runs from ear to ear
as we speed along the rutted road
bouncing us about
ambers golds emeralds and august
winds reaching us
sunlight glimmering on everything
it touchs
I am not sure where it was
or why
One of those days with one of my ex's
Marybeth it was She had blond hair
and blue eyes
scholarship at University of Toronto
Listening to David Bowies Ziggy Stardust
and motoring down leaf strewn backroads
of our youth we would stand outside the truck at night out there in the country
where there were no city lights or towns
looking up at the heavens and wondering what it was that our purpose to be
She is now a teacher with four children
house husband etc and I am still wondering what it is all of this is about

years and years later
But I can still see her and hear the
music playing the depths of the marsh
brush and hilltops we flew across

12:05 p.m. - 2005-07-13


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