orgami's Diaryland Diary



there she is beside me
so quickly it seems that only
a time ago she was in her stroller
and I was pushing her along
the busy summer streets
our yogurt cones melting
our faces bright with colour
and happiness

and all that water under the bridge
that fettered heart in tatters
still there like a faithful sail
taking me along this voyage
to whom knows where and why

her eyes are beautiful and grey green
like mine and her mothers
and her hair long
i could hug her forever and tell
her i am proud to be her dad
but only a short hug and then
she is whisked away

i phone and she plays me a bit on
her new electric guitar a snippet
of song tells me she has new shoes
and purchased some shirts for school
in september
I tell her I love her and goodnight

I sketched her once when she slept
and gave it to her with all my
other original works
I gave her the sketch I did from her
school picture
Not the latest graduation one
with the roses
god I miss her and there
is an echo inside me
where she once was
but I still have her
she is still my daughter

10:00 a.m. - 2005-08-04


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