orgami's Diaryland Diary


creepy book

sunshine and flowers
the day is wonderful and full of promise
Summer slowly fading day by day
still warm at nights here

writing my old chums
moving soon
looking forward to this
new place
no rage a holic aunt and uncle
all this old tiled floor throughout
this fifties russian style apartment
matchs Loris Russia style choice
of eighties furniture and looks
crap My nose is running
allergies this time of year
sniffling and sneezing all day long

listening to Siouxsie
happy listening to Siouxsie
and at home reading Invisible Darkness
about Homolka and Bernardo the two
yuppie killers from St Catherines
I have honestly read a lot of stuff
about murder and mayhem real and imagined and liked those books
But this book creeps me right out
horrendous doesn't even come close
and then seeing Karla on television
on CBC just recently made my skin
crawl I look and look but cannot
see the evil that is before me
so ordinary at first to comprehend
there is nothing there going on
in her eyes
just space something human at its worst
Honestly this book turns my stomach
probably because my own daughter is
the age now that the victims were
when they met them
I have met and known killers
people who were released
but no sex crimes
just plain ol man against man

anyway Disturbed is how I feel
after reading this
to think that on the law of averages
there are many of these people
operating without being caught
I am certian that they tore the house
down In Saint Catherines
and that Damhler in Milwaukee his
whole apartment was razed

this illusions that we are all
safe and that our children are
watched over and protected
after reading this book
it must makes me certian that
nothing is certian

3:11 p.m. - 2005-08-26


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