orgami's Diaryland Diary


still going on about it

moved and am living in new place
My fantastic SCOTTISH calendar
over the kitchen sink
boxes half unpacked still lots
more to go and uncover
objects clothing photos in
frames etc a whole life shuffled
up and reset

its noisy at times because everthing
outside the door is terrazio flooring
or however it is spelled and nothing
in out place but tiles on the floor
and the doors are big and wooden
and heavy (wait shouldnt they be metal
to provide fire protection....)
I dont know we waitied for three
days for our cable to come on and it
was a terror NO TELEVISION no watching
the CNN horror about what was going on
down in New Orleans god imagine no
water and gangs with guns
No water would be the big kicker though

my freind writes me a rather sour
e-mail about my time at his place
lists me with everyone else and
how hard it is to fix things etc
my Lori tells me he is somewhat spoiled
and expects people to do things for him
or at least intitiate a lot

I mention it to him once and he goes
on and on about everyone and everything
without just saying Thanks for the help
I would not have expected his behaviour
in the new light but there it is
sour and somewhat thankless still

its somewhat dissapointing to find a freind whom I thought was a great freind is just a spoiled suck sometimes
maybe its time to grow and just let him
be there in his so called falling down
house and let the others come up and do
things for him

I've gone years before without his input
and he seems to be hard pressed by just
about everything
I just expected a more thank ful ness
or Wow Steve I really really appreciated
you but no Just see you later and
that was that all the work done like
always and all those others stopping
off and staying there for free and he
still diss's me in his latest letters
trying to draw me out but it wont work
I dont care I have no money and have
been eating potoato chips for a few
days and have been putting a house
together from the moving boxes
He keeps hinting at coming up to NOrth
Bay but that is not going to happen
Lori cannot believe that they treated
me like that down there
No I dont think anyone of my so called
freinds are going to come visit me
because I dont think they are really
freinds Or at least not the kind I would want to try to depend on

I want to write back but that would
be playing it his way
so he could print it up and show everyone
how I have not changed how I still bitch
lots and have no appreciation etc
its just sad People with stuff just
dont realize what they have and sometimes people with nothing are the
most cherished people.....

12:44 p.m. - 2005-09-07


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