orgami's Diaryland Diary



today is cool
whispy clouds
wind from the somewhere
crickets calling in the grass
Milkweeds starting to go to seed
and their filiment sprouting
like snow
squirrels bounding here and
there from tree and wire
lots of people out walking
now that its now scorching hot
like it was all summer

Watching CNN on the disaster down
south and cant help but thinking
of that Rock Song by someone
"new Orleans is sinking and I dont
know how to swim..."

writing lots of people today
so much I have spent my hour
and now have only fourteen minutes
here to write

what to say????

Lori and I like our new place
we are getting comfortable to all
the noises now
I cook her supper and make her
I adore her she is my world
my Lori
I am glad I tatooed her name on
my hand
we watch Miami Ink a show on the tube
and its fun to see what other people
put on their bodies all that importance
to symbolism
I want to get Chloe's name tatooed on
my chest one day maybe next year
I an afford this But I will do this
I am really used to my nose ring
in my right nostril now
didnt seem to affect us getting an
apartment because we did get one

there is a resturant just down the
street a meat shop and a Macs convience
store and a Bunsmaster which sells
cakes and buns and bread and oh man
we are going to get fat again
for certian if we hang out there a lot
so its not in the middle of nowhere
like I thought at first
and already I know a few people who
live in nearby apartments via
AA or NA

I walk to my meetings which is half
a mile and I enjoy it at night on
the semi quiet streets and in the day

my freind has built me a computer
for me to use so I may get online
and not need the library but be able
to write from home
that would be good eh?
maybe then I could even get on to
the chat room where I did at Christmas
but since then havent been able to
get on chat

well must go now
Until Next week

12:33 p.m. - 2005-09-10


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