orgami's Diaryland Diary


soup kitchen

i just read my last entry and do I
ever have a lot of grammar errors
and things I jumbled together
instead of the normal flow like I
like to achieve I woke up at twelve
today maybe that is the reason
I got to sleep in again instead of
getting up and getting out early
as I was trying to do
But at least I am going to sleep at
night now before twelve and actually
sleeping instead of just tossing and
turning every few minutes all restless
Lori sleeps on the couch so I wont
disturb her

yah all those grammar errors I dont
know what to think I am kind of shamed
by that entry maybe I will delete it
No I wont delete it It is what I wrote
or how I wrote

nothing poetic to say today my brain
is not in the kind of brain area
its a year since I was in the Ontario
Hospital and I was only in there for
a few days I am glad that I have been
able to stay away from that place for a year that I take my medications like I should be doing and getting rest
and not drinking pots and pots of
coffee We dont even have a coffee machine come to think of it I was just
lately using a strainer for vegetabals
and pastas and pouring water over a
paper towel holding the coffee And it
drained into a saucepan which I place on
the stove to drain into and keep warm
for our second cup

Usually I get up early and go to the soup kitchen up here where I see people I know and talk with them about what is happening in their lives and sometimes
catch a meeting across the street when
I time it right I like the coffee from the soup kitchen I usually have a couple
with my meal of soup and then the main course which is pretty good fare they have volunteers serving the food and getting the drinks and they are nice people BUT today that didn;'t happpen

ran out of thins to say
unusual for a change

2:17 p.m. - 2005-10-14


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