orgami's Diaryland Diary



went for a walk down to the lake
in the falling snow
the streetlamps glowing a circle
in the falling mantle of grace
I walked along the path by the
beach and through the little bit
of woods they have and came up by
the train tracks farther west then
the dock The lake is so dark and far
off there is the wink of a navigational
lamp on one of the islands out there
it is frozen and broken up and refrozen
in funny humped shapes and shisms
a train came trundling along the tracks
and I was cut off waiting for it to pull into the main train area farther east it slowed down slower and slower
and then stopped So I jumped across the
48 cars and made my way home but it was
cool walking in the dark by the lake
it was so cool with the snow falling
and no one around but me and the train
So funny to last be there in the summer
to lay on the beach and "tan" for an hour or more and then to "swim"
its all snow fence now

what else

We went shopping for Ataya today
for her gifts for Lori to take with her
north when she goes
some things for her little one
I have met Ataya and she is precious
so bright and with such a good character
and heart
during Loris visit I will be alone with
just Crumb to keep me company and our
television with digital channels
HOrray I get the SCREAM channel and MOVIEOLA and history channel My fave
hah hah
anyway gotta go to a meeting now
over at St Brices church
its a speaker meeting and hopefully someone I havent heard but no matter
coffee is there COFFEE c o f f e e
the magical elexir..
gotta go

7:02 p.m. - 2005-12-08


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