orgami's Diaryland Diary


fathers house

out in the country
where the shadows of the trees fall on the snow where the stars reign
and the night rests

and I awake while the house sleeps
with its peaceful inhabitants and pets
I type away clattering on this keyboard
the furnace rumbles and only the glow
from the screen fills this office room

I feel rested and refreshed already
took a stroll to the lake on the frozen footsteps of others read some stories typed on the typewriter by the summer guests looked at the frosted panes of glass on the windows facing the lake
borrowed a book for later
which is now its two oclock in the morning and I am awake I will get up tommorrow early or at least try to

my rides down here were very nice people
earthy people people Lori would like
with my long hair and beard and rain i didnt think anyone would stop but they did amazing what happens when I least expect it Or as a litle woman once sang to me in her kitchen
"be careful what you wish for....."

I should get to bed and read my book
and get up early tommorrow
I forgot my medications up north but I
should survive for a few days without
it I packed in such a hurry to get going ahh well i will be okay
its nice here from the city
a good change of pace for me

My fathers house is owned by a new occupant Harvey is on the mailbox
now Harvey T My father hunted with these people in his glory days
they house looks well with someone living in it It wouldnt have been the same with it just sitting empty
it never was until after my father died and Joyce went back to London
I wish her well she looked after my father for so long I miss him

1:32 a.m. - 2006-01-15


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