orgami's Diaryland Diary


apartment happenings

chicken sizzlin' in the oven
Judge Judy on the tube
Lori nappin' on the couch
and I here
tapping away
sending out my diary
from our apartment
in this little city of
North Bay

went to the soup kitchen today
and I was glad I did
today was Turkey and potatoes
gravy and cranberry sauce
it was so delicious
people were packed into that
little room elbow deep

On the way home there were puddles
that i looked into and saw the
reflection of the sky
and it reminded me of the times
i used to canoe
Its been years since I was last
in a canoe but i can remember it
well gliding along the surface
on a still summer evening
Peoples campfires just starting
up voices carrying across the
flat water Kids yelling dogs
barking A jet flying overhead
making its rumble heard
someones music playing
yes i can remember

Today I went for an interview
from the shop I had to tell them
why I wanted to belong to their
little community of workers
so I did just that as honestly
as I could And lo and behold I
am in I start Monday painting
craft products that they make
and sell on site in the store
out front

Lori works here too so we both
will be working in the same

I am looking forward to it

the chicken smells good
our little kitchen here is small
old cupboards but a new sink and
countertop The old fridge I bought
from a freind for fifty dollars
and the thirty five dollar stove
(which needs cleaning as soon as
possible ..Maybe tommorrow..)

I can hear the people on the judge
show behind me conversing away
the computer is actuallly on a
kitchen table just in from the front
door of this place
I am actually sitting in this old
sixties style high back tubular chair
Its pretty rad

Chloe cannot come up the seventy Kilometers to visit because she has
caught a bad cold..(so sad )
but sometime she will come again
She has been here once already

the floor here is brown tiles
all scuffed up and ancient Probably
around the late fifties I would say
they are wretched and need cleaning
every few weeks I usually run an old
time mop over them with Lesstoil
and the place smells clean and the
floor is good for awhile

Math at school I am sort of good at
I am far from great at but better then
I thought I would be But suprise
they love my english
I had to compose a poem for one of the
stories in the english work book and
they really loved it

So its true What you people have been
telling me is that my writing is good
Its finally sinking in that I am good
at something other then my drawing
skills or my articulation and voice

word poetry some person called it when
they read some of my stuff

I should have saved some of the old
stuff I had tons of it but threw it
all away when I was down and out in
the rooming house It is all gone
tons of photos of my life etc
all gone its all stripped down to
two bags but thats what made me happy
travel light

but I can still write new stuff which
I do from time to time and leave it here in Diaryland

My freind down south has his own little
site where he leaves photos and writings
and a lot of stuff Its really high tech and fancy He keeps wanting to put my photo somehow on my site here and I told him I would have to pay for this
which I cannot all I can say is I am
interesting looking (or maybe not)
Lori is cute

"how would you describe my look Lori?"
"savage" she states flat out and then
dissapears around the wall into the
Hah hah hah hah hah hah
thats it
my wild hair getting down to my shoulders my long goatee and crazy
sideburns my native bones style choker
and this blue and white shirt
with skulls all over it
like a hawian shirt

Like my Koolah jacket with the
"ace O spades" painted in red
and the spade card on a little
lean (this I am certian is my
statment to the world and my own
personal identification for people
to see..) I like to be known
in my own way anyway that is on
the back of my beat up old jacket
blah blah blah

good god what has gotten into me
blabbin on like this
spring fever probably
seeing all that water and marching
through the puddles makes me happy
When Chloe was four she used to
love splashing through puddles
got all soaking wet Id take her
home put on some dry ones on her
and away we would go again to find
new puddles

the cats are hurtling themselves
down the halls under my chair
around the kitchen and back into
the bedroom again

I am getting

must go
gnawing hunger

goes my


5:20 p.m. - 2006-03-16


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