orgami's Diaryland Diary


what NO date

I look like a lot of people
or maybe they see in me something that
reminds them of someone
But I never go a year without at least
three or four people saying I look
just like this guy or their uncle or
something "you guys could be brothers"
one person said It never fails to
amaze me however that I never really
bump into myself this way

the reason I lost the teeth was I pulled a molar I was grinding in my
sleep on and then my lower jaw which
has really crooked teeth started to
push the upper teeth lose
and they had to be removed
so I look like a scrapper or a pirate
or someone who just doesnt have good
dentition oh well the rest are still
in place

what else I dont really have a chin
I think I have a David Crosby chin
its small anyway which is why I grow
this big long goatee but its not hiding
the fact that I have a small lower
jaw my big nose makes up for a lot
hah hah hah
i have the native cheekbones though
i think

but wait a minute you guys already
heard about this somewhere before in all my diatribes

the chicken started to smoke from
the fat running into the pan and the
fire alarm went off but I pulled the
battery for now

Lori is awake and looking at the movies
selection We can "rent" a movie via
our cable supplier I guess we may
be doing this later
actually I want to go to the meeting

we have decided to rent a movie on
the weekend when there isnt much on
the television
(Oh my god we're going on a date)
six oh eight

I told her about the date thing and
she said I wrecked it Dating that is
apparently I never asked her out for
"wiat a minute I took you out to Momma Poons" says I
"I took you" says she damn she is
right I never have took her out
I just thought she liked being at
home OOpps

well thats something to do then
this year Go out for a date officially
see never too old for something new

Momma Poons is a thai chinese place
I like the little man who speaks no
english but brings the menus and water
at the beginning
its like a real northern ontario place
too Eclectic and not even trying to

Lori says she is hungry
time to go and get dinner made up

5:53 p.m. - 2006-03-16


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