orgami's Diaryland Diary


night walk

tuesday 15 2006 August month of...

at work
break now writing on computer
here in the empty classroom
radio in the shop playing away
people sitting in the canteen
A light rain is falling outside
on the roadway

slept fitfully last night
dreams again chasing me into
consiousness the moon glowing
behind the blinds
the red LED clock beside my bed
glowing away clocking the hours
each time I awoke

moving again
glad to be going this time
more smoother then last move
more organized and with proper
boxes etc

ten ten a.m.

watched television last night
but dont remember any of the shows
I want to go and check to see if
I owe too much money on my library
card to take books out or get the
card taken from me until my fines
are paid up I am dying to read
books again
I used to take armloads out of the
library and read like three books
at once
its been a year since I lost some
books and although I paid some of
the fine off I may not have paid
the full amount

they allow up to twenty five dollars
owing before they cut the card off
Im just too chicken to go in and
find out

tired sitting here yawning away
thank god they let the radio in the
shop I can listen to that and stay
awake today Sleeping a lot lately
medication probably has a lot to do
with it and stress over moving too
takes its toll Even though there is
less to worry about then last time
I am just as worried about the move
even though at the same time I am
greatly relieved

i know it doesnt make any sense
does it

I will get through this though

another yawn

Went for a big walk around the
waterfront the other night
listening to the large waves
hissing along the stone and sand
beachs the wind whipping my hair
around the birds screeching riding
the air currents above the clouds
obscuring the setting sun
just brands of fire in the twisting
clouds The marina lights on The
Cheif Commanda docked on the main
dock the Jetty lamp blinking away
the navigations lights far out
across the lake blinking

it was nice I felt good out there
in the night there were lots of
people out there at night walking
the on the boardwalk and riding
their bicycles Lots of people
sitting in the dark on their porchs
talking quietly among themselves
the windchimes melodious


10:10 a.m. - 2006-08-15


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