orgami's Diaryland Diary


paint day Mall day

Sunday cooking porchops
pork I guess is the right word
found a Notorious BIG cd on my walk
home from getting cigarettes two
kilometer to the reserve Got a ride
from some guy who recognized me as
walking on the street al the time
Guess i have been this long in this
city PLUS people keep telling me my
twin or someone who looks like me is
out there in the city also

I play my cd when Loris not here because
she doesnt like BIG music She is into
system of a down I like them too
but I also like BIG too

our new place is nice
cozy and a nice living room window
not like here where we have to have
the blinds drawn all the time because
we are on the sub level
plus we didint want peo[p-le to know
we had a cat either because cats are
not allowed here (even though thats
discrimination against pets and the landlord cannot do it)

my hand is cramping up

went to the mall today and bought
some pop and some hair spray for my
Lil Bunni Lori It was early for me
on a weekend usually if I can I sleep
in till twelve noon

so there i was out there on the old bus
bumping around with the other few
passengers the mall shops were not all
open some of them still had their screens down But god of all gods of stores Wal Mart was just humming
had to wait in line with the heavy old
pop for half an hour it was so busy

MMMmm my pork chops smell good
Lori is watching Rap Wives on Much music
or some show not sure what I know without asking her that she knows all of them She says when I ask her that
she has been listening to rap since
"it came around"
I dont mind it I love trance rock though

I have been enjoying my book here
reading at night after the day is done
listening to MOOSE FM a local station
that plays everything and everything
not to mention anything

Chloe went to Oshawa Ontario and bought
a whole pile of clothes for school
there are huge malls down there
Huntsville Ontario is a small puny town
(well not that puny) its where Shania
got a big break from one of the large
resorts there I used to go and watch
her sing
Carolee was with me then

today it rained in the morning but it
stopped and the sun has come out
and everything is bright and wonderful
out up here in NOrth Bay Ontario

I should go and check my chops

Hold on a sec

was burning some inscece

Ohh got a direct order to go and
make some vegetables too for supper
have to go now

will write more later

3:43 p.m. - 2006-08-20


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