orgami's Diaryland Diary



last nights sunset bus tour
was so weird
the driver drove so slow around
the route
not in the usual harried manner
they sometime affect
no bumps just a gentle swaying
and swinging about the corners
and up hills and down grades
blazing setting sun glinting
off the chrome and paint and
glass of the old things

different crowd of people
not used to them
they freaked me out
I dont think I have ridden
the bus at that hour
I think it was five thirty in
the evening I can still
picture it when I close my eyes

anyway sitting here writing my
freinds on Hotmail and Yahoo
I have a doctors appointment
today with my Psychiatrist
that should be interesting

painted crafts and a sign this
morning had soup at the soup
kitchen there was chicken there
too It was a nice treat
i had a coffee too

blah blah blah

anyway must be going now
am listening to Siouxsie Sioux

"You are the melting man
You are your situation
there is no time to breathe
and yet one single breath
leads to insatiable desire

of suicide and sex..........."

Siouxsie is dark and weird
and I Love her
she has remained when all others
i have lost interest in

anyway almost time to go here
so I must get ready to leave

I am glad I can take books
from the library here
that I have no overdue fines
like I thought I did on this

And I am enjoying coming back
to use the computers and to listen
to Siouxsie
ahh a bit of heaven on earth

must flee now

"look into the back of the long
black car Pulling away from
the funeral..."

Now its Arabian Knights

I'm like an addict I am getting
chills from listening to her
on this head set
the music the drums the guitars
the keyboard

I like KITTIE too especially the
drummer I think SHE ROCKS
I like my muses
my many female godesses
anyway must be going now
like I said I would


1:08 p.m. - 2006-08-23


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