orgami's Diaryland Diary


new apartment

MOved in finally
the place is wonderful
quiet and peaceful
meditiative at night
No cars shinning lights
through window shades
coming in to park
and leave at all hours
outside our windows
like last place
Modern carpeting in rooms
fresh paint

Lori is happy
setting up the house
going through the boxes and
putting up Knick Knacks etc
The cat even seems happier here
purrying more and being more


she gets to sit on the windowledge
behind the blinds watching the
birds in the trees and the people
on the sidewalk cars going by
all this is new for her
the last place we had the blinds
drawn all the time so people
couldnt see we had a cat
No Pets allowed

I hAVE My computer set up in my
computer room I just have to get
a phone line from the dollar store
to reach from the kitchen to the
back bedroom about thirty some odd
feet by the time I go around the
trim rather then just have a straight
ugly line running along the top of
the wall

The weather here in North Bay has
been more cooler now
fall is coming
we can sleep nights in comfort
instead of the sweltering heat like
we had

we have our MUCHLOUD channel to watch
the new videos and the old videos
its a great channel Lori knows all
the old bands and some of the new

Went to my meetings lately
AA meetings that is and was pretty
impressed at the new people coming
in I remember first sobering up
afraid of the people at the meetings
afraid of the meetings
scared humble in agony that I couldnt
drink or thought that I could not drink
for ever and ever
the meetings were peaceful and calm
people just talking about their
struggles and triumps and tradgedys

anyway here I am at the workshop
writing you
painted or finished painting a sign
today a wheelbarrow with some
sunflowerws and some bunnies and
apples in a basket

next painting is a couple of
kids watching a sunset with their
arms around one another
its to be painted on a paddle
and thats what I will be working
on after this lunch break is over
in another few minutes

I cannot emphasis how wonderful
our new apartment is
we bought new coffee table and
end tables from Wal Mart and they
are nice cherry coloured wood

tired still from the move

the move went really well
two guys I knew from AA were doing
the moving and I helped out
even though it killed my back
but in the end it only cost us
130.OO dollars to make the move
we had to hand bomb everything
up to the third floor but we
made it all
all that worry beforehand for

anyway we are moved in I will
continue to keep you updated
until I get that line hooked
up and Netscape to plug me
back in and away I will be


12:45 p.m. - 2006-08-31


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