orgami's Diaryland Diary


more chatter

it was busy at the hall
just running around selling
cards on that concrete floor
bending over to show people
the big thick wad of bingo
cards so they can pick what
they want there are like
six colours i think of
newsprint printed paper
moving around picking up
the discarded slips of paper
on the tables and dropping
them into the paper pails
between the tables

murder on the back

but holding on to the money
in the little black cloth
like a big pile of twenties
and tens and fives folded
together whole pocket of
two nees and loonees

discarded slips the old
long gone bingo game called
and over with

anyway made fifteen dollars
and got the free cab ride
downtown got out and went
to Demarcos which I havent
been too in months

Demarcos was built in 1928
single story six stores put
together along the street
across from the Pro cathedral
and the Country Time donut
shop and city water fountain

i used to live in there
practically i dont think
anything has changed much
since the mid thirties same
wood panelling same terrazio
floor and chrome stools
same wooden shelves behind the
counters etc etc very old
fashioned and comfortably
small a store too
anyway i visited with Tina
and her aunt who work there
and had a coffee

bought a dozen eggs for the
deviled eggs to take home
and a bag of cheezees
walked across the street
and bought a dozen donuts
and two coffees came home
talked with Lori ate some
donuts rubbed her feet
watched the television
drank my coffee complimented
her on how nice the house
looks and her potato salad
in the fridge she falls
alseep television bores me
and i come in here

put away all the dead
computers stuff in the closet
vacumed the room windexed
the motherboard and seventeen
inch monitor speakers and
tower scrubbed the mouse
down and the pad
and it looks great too

vacumed earlier before i went
to bingo i mean

but i want to say this
i am fat i was like two fifteen
forever almost but came to
this city and dropped to one
sixty went into this halfway
house and treatment centre
and began to eat and couldnt
stop eating and have been two
forty ever since
Lori is fat too we just gained
it all one summer and havent
taken any of it off
I dont walk enough she doesnt
walk hardly at all
i really have to get this off
my back is so bad

oh moan and groan pOooorrr old

just plain lazee

it hasnt snowed anymore
to change topic
thin wispy old clouds in
the sky even tonight cold
and chilly but no snow

Chippewa Creek is really
high though all that rain
we did have before the snow

and so on and so forth


10:55 p.m. - 2006-12-28


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